We are a small but inspired group dedicated to continuing the work of the late Ian R Crane and his vision of bringing together like-minded people to share views and information the mainstream would rather you didn't have. Through the mediums of live stream online broadcasts and live event gatherings we continue Ian's passion of discovering the truth about the realm we inhabit and the experience of reality we all share.
Primarily known for The Alternative View Conference we continually seek to grow, expand and improve our productions. We believe a shift in humanity is occurring and aim to bring alternative views and hard to find knowledge to the awakening and inquiring mind.
Join us on this journey. You are all most welcome.
+ AV Events In 2025 +
The Alternative View Presents
Roger Anderton
"Einstein Wrong and Special Relativity Revisited"
The Assembly Rooms Glastonbury - Sunday 4th May 2025
Tickets £37.00
The Alternative View Special Event
John Kitson - Claire Edwards - Ian Jarvis - Mark Steele
"The Undeclared Frequency War on Humanity and the Planet"
The Old Convent, Stroud, GL5 4AD - Saturday 28th June
Tickets £47.00
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Recorded in Milton Keynes on 26th May 2024
The title of AV14 was inspired from the idea that energetic changes are happening in our galaxy and the possibility that waves of an electro-magnetic, spiritual or consciousness nature are starting to hit the Earth. Such waves may offer the opportunity for mankind to partake in an awakening and to see beyond the veil. If we learn to ride the wave and embrace it we have the chance for a better future. Of course this would not be welcomed by the ruling classes and their attempts to shut it down would require them to upgrade their control systems using orchestrated chaos. Much like the chaos we see almost daily now.
The AV14 speakers delivered some fascinating information that further helps us understand who we are, where we are, what we are doing and where we are going.
To watch please click on any video and purchase a ticket. Once you have made your purchase you will be sent an automatic email confirmation with your password details. You have unlimited viewings for the duration of your ticket.
Important: Please check your spam folder after your purchase as sometimes the confirmations go to spam. If you don’t receive your password within 10 mins please contact us. We also have a help page.
Richard Vobes - www.richardvobes.com
Wendy Stacey - www.wendystacey.com
Ian Simpson - www.look-up.org.uk
Lucy Wyatt - www.lucywyatt.substack.com
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton - www.paradigmrevolution.com
Johan Oldenkamp - www.pateo.nl
Gary Fraughen - www.garyfraughen.co.uk
Event produced by Alternative View Media
Weyford House, 21/22 Woodbridge Meadows, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1BA
WhatsApp - 07354 454988