We now have a new date and event name for the rescheduled 5G event.
The Alternative View Special Event
"The Undeclared Frequency War on Humanity and the Planet"
5G campaigner Ian Jarvis has been added to the speaker list. The event will be talking place in Stroud on Saturday the 28th June. There will be just 100 tickets available which are expected to go fast. Please keep an eye on this website and our newsletter for details. It will be an all day four speaker event plus a bonus evening crop circle and paranormal presentation by AV's very own Matthew Williams.
There will be an evening bar for networking, socializing and post event chat. Come along and have an interesting day out and mix with like-minded people.
If you have a Wales 5G event ticket you will be contacted with refund details.
We have decided to reschedule and rename the AV 5G Event in Wales. The speakers felt they had much more to talk about than just 5G. We are excited to be adding a fourth speaker to the line up. Ian Jarvis will now be joining the speaker list. The updated event will now cover 5G, AI and the Frequency War on the planet plus much more.
The event will now be held on a Sunday in June. Current Wales event tickets will be valid for the rescheduled event. If you have a 5G Wales ticket you will be contacted by email with details.
Rescheduled event details coming soon.
The AV Team have started early planning for AV15. With people starting to feel the pinch from a poor economy AV15 will be a mini conference with an attractive ticket price. We predict tickets will go fast. Previous AV attendees and newsletter subscribers will get early notification. Stay subscribed for details as they are released.
All speaker suggestions are welcomed. Please send in your suggestions on our Suggest a Speaker page.
The events industry in the UK is under threat. At AV we're hearing of other event organizers not doing events this year due to the poor economy. If you are interested in alternative information please help support us and other organizers by buying tickets and attending. Bit by bit the opposition to the controlling parasites is being chipped away. Once alternative, truth and community events stop they have us where they want us.
Every ticket purchase is much appreciated and helps keep the good fight going.
A reminder that the early bird special offer price for the AV 5G Special Event in Wales on Sunday the 9th March 2025 ends on the 31/12/2024. If you want to come along at a discount price please book your ticket asap.
We have just announced the next The Alternative View Presents event. On Sunday the 4th May 2025 we return to The Asslembly Rooms Glastonbury where Roger Anderton will be taking a look at Einstein, Relativity and the Santilli Telescope. Tickets are available now at an early bird price.
Click here for tickets and event details
AV host Gary has recently been interviewed on the Richard Vobes for the third time. If you would like to watch the interview it is available on Richard's YouTube channel.
Click for Richard Vobes YouTube Channel
The next full Alternative View Conference will be in September 2025. We are currently looking at venues in the midlands and will announce the venue once we've decided. AV15 will have 6 speakers plus host Gary Fraughen. If you have any suggestions as to speakers you would like to see present please let us know via our contact page.
We are currently planing the next Alternative View Presents at the Assembly Rooms Glastonbury for May 2025. The next one will have a physics theme. Make sure you're subscribed to the AV Newsletter to keep updated. Tickets will go on sale in late November.
The presentation recordings from the forthcoming Glastonbury event with Thomas Sheridan and Maria Wheatley will be available on Saturday the 26th October 2024. Advance pay to view tickets at an early bird discount price will be on sale on Thursday 17th October.
Please watch this website or sign up to the AV Newsletter to be notified when tickets go on sale. All tickets will give 14 day access to the recordings.
The New World Order Past and Present and the Adepts from author and Alternative View host Gary Fraughen is now available to order. The first copies will be in stock on Friday the 11th October. Order now for shipping Monday the 14th October.
Gary will be sigining copies at the forthcoming AV Glastonbury event on Sunday the 20th October.
The latest book from author and Alternative View host Gary Fraughen is currently at the printers. If you are a fan of Gary's work or someone who is new to his work please keep an eye on his website. Book three in a planned ten book series will be available in the next few weeks. Gary will be signing copies at the forthcoming AV Glastonbury event on Sunday the 20th October.
Tickets are now available for the Smart Cities and the Surveillance Agenda Update live stream. On the 10th November the four speakers from the original Smart Cities live stream will be returning to give an update on their research and discoveries on the Smart Cities agenda. Wherever you are in the world you can watch live or watch the presentation recordings. Tickets are just £20 and give access to the live event plus 14 day access to recordings.
If you missed the original event it is available to watch here.
A while back AV Media took over the running of community blog and news site The Tap Newswire. Although a basic site The Tap gets a lot of traffic and shares news around the world sent in by the readers. If you have something you think others need to see feel free to head on over and sign up.
Knowledge shared is knowledge gained for all.
We are currently planning part two of the AV Smart Cities Live Stream event. The original speakers will bring us up to date with their research and findings since the broadcast that went out in April 2023. Provisionally planned for a Sunday in mid November 2024. The date will be confirmed soon.
Tickets for the AV 5G Special Event in South Wales go on sale on the 1st August. The venue location will be announced on the same date.
John Kitson - Claire Edwards - Mark Steele
Sunday 9th March 2025 - South Wales
Stay subscribed to the AV newsletter for info as it's released.
We have been invited to put an event on in Wales just north of Swansea. It will be a three speaker one day event titled The Alternative View 5G Special and is penciled in for a Sunday in March 2025. The exact date will be confirmed shortly.
The speaker lineup will be John Kitson, Claire Edwards and Mark Steele. Each speaker will be focusing on a different aspect of 5G and associated subjects. Gary Fraughen will be the event host.
Stay subscribed to the AV newsletter for info as it's released.
The AV14 presentation recordings are now available. If you were there on the day you have been be emailed instructions on how to access them.
If you have someone in mind or you are someone who you think may be of interest to The Alternative View please contact us. We are always looking for new and interesting presenters, researchers and generally anyone who the informed Alternative View audience may enjoy.
The Alternative View is constantly evolving and improving and is happy to offer a platform to those who seek to propose and deliver alternative views for the collective and greater good of all.
John will be at AV14 for the morning session as a valued guest. If you would like to meet and chat to John about his info and discoveries now's your chance.
We will have a business card table at AV14. If you are a healer, therapist or someone with products or services to promote that you think other attendees may find of interest feel free to bring and leave cards on the table.
After the forthcoming AV14 Conference we will be changing the format of our events. AV14 will be the last conference in its current form. Come along and enjoy it and make some great memories before the format changes. Full news and info coming soon. Stay subscribed to our newsletter for updates.
We are delighted to say we have the second The Alternative View Presents event booked for October 2024. Come and enjoy a day out with an Thomas Sheridan and special guest Maria Wheatley. Gary Fraughen will be your host. Full details and tickets will be announced at the forthcoming AV14 Conference on the 26th May.
We now have Alternative View gift vouchers available. Buy for a friend, colleague or loved one and introduce them to the Alternative View world.
We have announced the schedule for the AV14 conference. You will find full details on each of the ticket booking pages. As with the last conference the schedule will also be printed on the back of the event passes for convenience. We look forward to seeing you there.
We have made some slight changes to the forthcoming AV Presents Glastonbury event. We are delighted to announce that AV newbie Arthur Piotrowski will be joining Gary Fraughen and the team at The Assembly Rooms on Sunday March 24th.
Arthur will be speaking from 3pm-4pm and will be discussing Rife Technology both from a historical perspective plus offering new ideas and applications for its use.
Full details are on the event booking page
We're delighted to say tickets for AV14 are now on sale. We look forward to seeing you there.
AV is looking to have a busy year in 2024. Here is the current schedule of planned events.
The Alternative View Presents
Our quarterly mini event starting with Gary Fraughen in Glastonbury on the 24th March 2024.
The Alternative View 14
A one day Sunday conference in late May 2024 back at the Leonardo Hotel in Milton Keynes.
Tickets are now available for the next AV event. Come and spend an interesting few hours with AV host Gary Fraughen in the iconic town of Glastonbury.
The Alternative View Presents Gary Fraughen
The Assembly Rooms Glastonbury - 24th March 2024
This event is booked for Sunday 24th March 2024 at The Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury.
Come and meet Gary and hear him discuss his fascinating research and study into occult and arcane subjects. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and make this a more interactive event.
This event will be limited to 150 people. Stay subscribed to the AV Newsletter for info and to be notified when tickets go on sale. This is expected to be mid November.
Unfortunately Martin Liedtke is unable to make the AV13 conference. We are delighted to say we now have Pippa King coming to the event. Pippa is no stranger to AV having presented in the past both in person and over live stream. Pippa is constantly researching and developing her work and we look forward to seeing her and hearing her latest info on the day.
With the one day AV13 conference on the horizon we're getting a lot of requests for a full weekend AV14 event. This is something we have been considering and have started looking for a suitable venue in the midlands similar to Staverton Park and Horwood House where we have held previous AV weekend events. Once AV13 has concluded we'll go full steam ahead and look at potential AV14 speakers. The way the world is going we're sure there will be many speakers and subjects to chose from.
We have had a change of host for the forthcoming AV13 Conference.
Thomas Sheridan asked AV if he could step down as host as there would not have been enough time between speakers for him to say what he wanted to say. He is now doing a doing a regular talk - a mighty one at that - instead.
Gary Fraughen is taking on hosting duties. We look forward to seeing Gary in action on the day.
The Smart Cities live stream event has concluded. A big thank you to everyone who joined us and to Brian and the speakers who made it a very enjoyable and informative broadcast.
The presentation recordings will be available on this website in the evening of Monday 24th April. Live stream ticket holders will have access until the 31st May 2023. The recordings will be available to watch on demand for those unable to watch on the day.
The AV team is busy planning future events. We're aiming for more live streams and more live event gatherings every year plus the odd podcast and intimate live single speaker event. Our plan is to have a full weekend AV conference in 2024 and go upwards from there. If there are subjects you would like to see us cover please use the contact us page and let us know. All suggestions are welcomed.
We're delighted to say that nearly half of the tickets for AV13 have gone. If you're looking to attend this prestigious event we advise booking soon to avoid disappointment. We expect it to be completely sold out by the end of April. With the event being in October that's great news indeed.
AV will be holding a four speaker live stream on the 23 April 2023. The event is titled "Smart Cities and the Surveillance Agenda". Full details and ticket info coming later this week.
AV13 tickets are now available and we're delighted to say they are selling fast. We have a limit of 300 tickets with the lunch option. If you want to attend this prestigious event then book early to guarantee your place.
We're very pleased to announce that AV13 has been confirmed for the 22nd October 2023. It will be a one day multi speaker conference held in a hotel in central Milton Keynes, UK. We’ve booked the venue which can seat 350 people. Tickets and speakers will be announced soon. We expect this event to sell out rapidly.
We’ll be having some brand new AV speakers and some old favorites plus a guest host. There will be a ticket and ticket plus lunch option. There are rooms available in the venue hotel and other hotels locally for those wanting to stay over rather than travel on the Sunday morning. We aim to make this event accessable to all budgets.
Sign up for the AV newsletter to be notified as soon as the event is officially launched and tickets are on sale.
The AV team and speakers look forward to seeing you in person after a three year break. Book your ticket early for this fantastic gathering and lets network, share ideas and be around like minded souls.
Alternative View Events have been asked to take over the running of the popular alternative news site The Tap Newswire. Naturally we have said yes and look forward to continuing the great work Tap and its team have done over the years.
Over the coming weeks we will be upgrading and improving the site and it will continue to bring you news and views you wont necessarily see in the mainstream media and on other news sites.
A big thank you goes out to Henry and Mike. AV aims to continue your legacy.
We've provisionally booked an event venue for October 2023 for AV13. The current working seat number is 350 which we expect to sell out fast.
AV13 will be a one day conference with a lunch option.
Details will shortly be emailed out to the AV Mailing List. Make sure you're subscribed to stay updated.
Planning for the next long awaited AV live gathering is underway. We're currently in negotiations for a venue and the speaker list is being put together. The AV13 Conference will be a one day event on a Sunday in the autumn of 2023 with speakers covering a range of subjects, lunch, marketplace and networking.
As much as we enjoy doing live streams our audience is clearly telling us they want to see a return of the much loved live conference format. We've listened and are on the case.
Look out for an AV newsletter with updates soon. The new AV team look forward to seeing you all in person.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.
We're currently rebuilding and redesigning the AV shop. Look out for new Alternative View merchandise and collectables coming soon.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.
Currently the preferred format for AV content is live stream and access on demand online. This allows for fast and convenient content delivery at a lower cost than the DVD format. As there are several people asking about DVDs we are currently restructuring our storage and distribution system and will review DVD production for coming events if there is enough demand.
+++ Currently Postponed +++
As with most AV happenings things take their own direction and course of action. As well as planning The Shift part two we've been guided to put on a mini live stream event based around 5G and the Demonic Agenda. This is being planned for late February 2023. Stay tuned and subscribed to the AV newsletter for info as it's released. Speakers and ticket info will be announced soon.
Following the success of the AV12 Live Stream we are in the early planning stages of AV12 part two.
We had several presenters that we could not fit on to the schedule who are very keen to present. As we would love to offer them a platform we are looking at holding AV12 part two in June/July 2023. That would provide a good handover of Ian R Crane's AV to the new team's AV for their first one day hotel gathering later in 2023.
Watch this space and stay signed up to our newsletter to keep updated.
The new project name of Alternative View Media offers more scope for a variety of events and formats. The Alternative View Presents is our smaller more intimate channel for connecting speakers with the AV audience in a more relaxed and intimate setting. Be that a smaller live in person event or a more relaxed podcast it will allow the speaker to deliver a deeper and more thorough insight into their chosen subject.
One of the locations we are considering is the Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury. Stay tuned for more info soon.